First Language, Second Language, Individuals and Society, Maths and Computer Science, Experimental Sciences, Visual Arts, French Abinitio and Math SL. Students will choose to study three of these at Standard Level and three at Higher Level.
In addition students also complete an extended essay of 4000 words, they follow a Theory of Knowledge course where they explore the nature of knowledge across discipline and gain an appreciation for other cultural perspectives and they participate in CAS – Creativity / Activity / Service, which encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work.
Students are assessed at the end of two years.
The Diploma Programme is truly a passport to higher education around the world. Leading Universities around the world welcome IB graduates because of the way the Diploma Programme prepares you for university styles of teaching and learning. Over 2000 of the best Universities around the world list their IB admission policies on the IB web site at